Funnest game on Newgrounds?
I think I got a little bit pill happy myself.
Funnest game on Newgrounds?
I think I got a little bit pill happy myself.
Very addicting!
This game is so much fun, and it's very addictive!
Good game.
You should make it so one won't come out of one chicken on the complete left, and then one on the complete right has an egg like a second later.
For the last one:
%u2022 Start by moving the chair aside then open the bottom desk drawer and take the light bulb.
%u2022 Move right and place the light bulb into the lamp on top of the dresser.
%u2022 Open the second dresser drawer and take the game cartridge.
%u2022 Move left twice, insert the game cartridge into the game system and then turn on the tv(down at the bottom) the screen will freeze displaying "ACE" Click on the bottom cabinet doors and you will be prompted with a lock that requires "ACE" to open the doors.
%u2022 After opening the doors, take the eye piece that is inside. Click on the top of the chair closest to you and it will tip back and drop a computer mouse, take the mouse.
%u2022 Move right and place the mouse on the mouse pad then click on the computer monitor. There are 3 shapes like on the lamp. You must make the colors of the 3 shapes in order found on the lamp. Yellow, Green, Blue. After they are in the right order a square will appear that has 4 colors. Red, white, green and black, you will need this in a moment.
%u2022 Turn right twice until you see the telescope. Attach the eye piece to the telescope and then look through it by clicking on the eye piece. There is nothing important, click the other end of the telescope 2 times and then look through the eye piece. You will find a clue 632.
%u2022 While still in this area, click on the panel next to the space poster. You will see a colored block similar to the one on the computer screen. You must make this look the same. From the top left- Red then white, bottom left green then black. Once completed the door will raise and reveal more space.
%u2022 Click on the gray safe on the floor and you will be prompted to enter another code. This is the code from the telescope. 632, enter this number and the safe will open to reveal a key.
%u2022 Take the key and then move right twice and use the key to unlock the door.
Map area
Hey, I followed Walterreids tutorial also.
But when I try and add another map, it doesn't let me add turrets there.
Sorry, i cant really help you with that problem, but the way i made a new map was to just edit the original map so it turned out differently, i hope that helps a little
Alright, but a little bit off.
Okay, 7/10 cause' I love snake. But here's a few tips.
Make the map bigger, I got my snake so big, I was already above to hit the wall.
The restart button doesn't work either.
Joined on 3/20/10